This is the best Christmas present ever!!! Hope everyone has a fabulous holiday!!!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
12 Weeks
This is the best Christmas present ever!!! Hope everyone has a fabulous holiday!!!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Some updates....
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Calling in Favors, The Flu, and Another U/s
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Holy Emotional
I am not only Holy Emotional - I am also Holy Happy. I am still in shock and disbelief. So thrilled that all of this has paid off and that our dream is coming true.
When I laid down on the table just after 1 on Monday my heart was beating so loudly I felt like everyone could hear it. The screen was pointed away from me so of course I watched the nurses face (not Josh's b/c he had no idea what he was looking at!) waiting for a sign. She pretty much immediately said - "Looks like there are 2 in there". She let me look at the screen for a second and then started all her measurements. She let us listen to both heartbeats (cue tear coming down my face)....they were both about 130. That is pretty much all she told us. But it was enough for me (at the time).

So next steps. No idea and it is driving me crazy. I did make my first Ob appt for the first week of December.
Thanks for all the well wishes :)
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
24 hours
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
The wait!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
11dp5dt Beta

Thursday, October 28, 2010
So my beta is 244!!!
My P4 is around 60 (doing PIO) and my E2 is finally around 400.
Next beta should be Saturday but my local clinic doesn't do betas on the weekend - but the nurse wants me to go - anyone else have this problem and a good solution?
A little tip for all of you. I got a free month supply of vivelle patches (8) using a voucher from their website. I fulfilled it at Freedom Pharmacy with no problems at all.
I am so unbelieveably happy and now keep telling myself - one day at a time - as I was already figuring out when the first u/s would be!
So, a couple of weeks ago I was out shopping and saw a Dorothy costume for Charlotte - and I couldn't pass it up (she already had a pair of red ruby slippers). I also bought myself a scarecrow costume and was planning on getting DH the tinman. I thought this was too perfect for 2010 - as we have been on the yellow brick road for so many months. I will be sure to share a picture!
So many BFP's on my blog roll - I am soo happy for all of you, and hopeful for those to come.
Monday, October 25, 2010
More Like It (6dp5dt)
Within 2 minutes the line showed up and the best part was I didn’t have to hold it a special way to see it.

I am so happy to be right where I am right now. As I mentioned many people know about this cycle, but they will not know the result until Thursday. For now (although I am a nervous wreck), I have a little secret in my uterus – although I feel like it is in my heart.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Is a line a line if...

HPT Torture (5dp5dt)
During my last FET I swore I saw a line and I obviously didn't, so I am not at all optimistic. But, I know it is early. Very early. (considering my transfer wasn't until 3pm - it hasn't even been 5 days!)
This has to work, right? We transferred 2 high quality hatching chromosomally normal embryos. For crying out loud.
This post from Chronicles of.... hit home with me b/c I feel like there is so much pressure. So many people know about this - friends, family, family friends, work people, hair dressers, etc. There are so many people pulling for us I don't want to let them down.
As for symptoms. I feel off.....still have that pain to the left and below my belly button. And now my back aches. Oh, and my right nipple hurts. That's all folks.
Should I POAS again today?
Friday, October 22, 2010
So, today is 3dp5dt. When I got home last night I pulled out my actual handwritten "diary" of my 3 other IVF's to see what I felt then. Funny, it seems I felt the same during each one and 2 failed and 1 worked. Well, that leaves me nowhere!!!!
In 2 days I will be POAS and my heart will be racing and in my throat while I am willing a line to appear. Imagining the sinking feeling if it only 1 line appears and knowing the pure joy if there are two. Or maybe I should hold out a few days.
Not until late on 1dp5dt did I start feeling any cramps. And it was always one the left and a little lower than my belly button. Let's be honest, is that even my uterus? Or is it b/c some of my patches are there? My lower right side sometimes cramps. But I am only typing all of this b/c I have nothing else to say. No other symptoms. Nada.
Let's be honest again. Only time will tell.
For the record on the day of transfer my E2 was still in the low 200's.....these patches don't seem to be doing the job for me so now I am up to 3 estrace pills a day (covered my insurance - yay!). Has this happened to anyone else? My P4 was however was in the 30's.
Tomorrow we are celebrating my parents 40th Wedding Anniversary - what an important event! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Two Jewels
We arrived at CCRM at noon and I was quickly taken back for my blood draw and then we wen upstairs to be greeted by Lynne who ushered us into our room. I was shocked to find out they bring the embryos to us rather than taking me somewhere. I popped my valium and we got comfortable as my bladder got more uncomfortable. They checked my bladder via u/s, Lynne gave us bed rest instructions and then Kerry from embryology came in to discuss the embryos. They thawed the 5AA and the 5BB - and one had moderately expanded and one minimally expanded. Hmmmm - he didn't seemed concerned so I am going to go with that. Then the wizard appeared and he went right to town - barely saying a word (after a nice hello). During the actual transfer (from speculum to embryo placement) he didn't say a single word. Nothing. Do the nurse and embryology guy just read his cues?? Strange. On his way out he said "It couldn't have gone better". Very matter of fact - definitely not a warm and fuzzy feeling. He did pop in later to just ask how I was doing.
We had to wait an hour before I could get dressed and go to the bathroom. They offered a bed pain, but what in the world does that mean? I read on Mo's blog that is was an uncomfortable experience so I said no and held it.
I have been laying around relaxing. Already a bit bored....and anxious.....and trying not to obsess that I think the embryos look a little funny.....they don't look like everyone else's!!!
Please stick little ones. I am ready for you!!!!
Thanks for all the support!
Emerald City
I have always worn the same outfit to my retrieval and transfer days (well, the same comfy pants and a tank top). Well, I decided to change it up today. I am wearing my heart so that the wizard knows that isn't what I need - instead I need this to work so I can love a child with everything I have.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
T minus 6 Days
Well, my u/s this morning revealed a lining of 14.8. Yikes. And she said no when I asked about the triple pattern. So, by 7:50 I was at my desk at work consulting dr. google and all of your blogs out there trying to determine if this cycle was doomed. I found plenty of girls who had similar linings and transfers still happened - so this got me through the day.
Marsha reviewed my u/s and my E2 of only 205 with Dr. Schoolcraft and he said it is a go. Now I have to take 2 estrogen blue magic pills a day along with the list of meds that filled up a yellow sticky pad. Tonight is my last Lupron shot and in return I get a PIO shot in my butt in the morning and a suppository at night.
It has been about 4 months since our first consult with the wizard. At that time I envisioned a lonng list of all the "to-dos" we would have to cross off before actually being in the final two week wait. We have done all the paperwork, gone for the ODWU, shipped day 3 b/w, done monitoring locally, spent 11 days in denver, egg retrieval, fert report, day 3 report, day 6 report, CCS results, FET prep.....and we are finally in the FINAL stretch. My heart is full of hope, my mind is full of dreams of babies and thoughts of what if this fails?
A week from today I will be a basket case stuck in bed!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Random questions and thoughts as the time slowly passes....
A couple of questions for all you out there:
-Is cramping normal?
-What exactly does "rotate" the patches mean? How long should I wait until I use the same spot? Is the reason for rotating b/c of absorption or b/c of skin irritation?
-Did any of you put them on your back? I have 2 back there right now.....
-I have continued to jog and lift weights - anyone else keep at it while prepping?
My ultrasound is Wednesday morning to check out my lining - getting anxious.
On another note...I was at a party Saturday night as I was talking to another girl she told me she is 4 months pregnant. After congratulating her I asked when her due date would be and her response was "April, I didn't want to be pregnant over the summer". I laughed. Out loud. What a totally different perspective she has on this baby making thing.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
My Sunshine

Charlotte and I were playing in her room one weekend late afternoon and I was trying to catch the the last bit of sun coming through her I climbed into the window seat and waited for her to turn and look at me. I love the catch lights that make her dark brown eyes shine. This picture makes me feel warm like the Florida sunshine and reminds me of why we are going through all of this at CCRM. It also reminds me of how very lucky we are and why I am routing for all of you.
Over the last 18 months I have been getting to know my Nikon D90, took a class, practiced a ton, and then started building my portfolio. I have some slow weeks and some busy weeks with shoots. I have read and read and read - and it will never end.
If anyone is interested my photography blog is

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
< 50
Monday, September 27, 2010
Day 1
Friday, September 17, 2010
CCS Results!
5 of 6 are normal
I never ever thought I would be typing that. Especially thinking back to 2 1/2 weeks ago when being told only 7 fertilized.
I asked which one was abnormal and why. It was the 4AB and it had an extra chromosome (don't know which one). So, the 5AA (my best) and the 4BC (worst) are normal.
Thanks for everyone's support. You all are great.
I feel hope creeping back in!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Waiting on 303
What in the world are they going to tell me? If there was a way to cheat to find out (like taking a HPT or looking under the bed) I wouldn't be able to control myself.
Will they really call on Friday? Is 14 days average now? (Comment, please!)
Even if day 6 was a Friday before a holiday weekend?
Hopefully I will have an update in about 48 hours.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Frozen in Time
Today I found myself thinking about all the traits that are already decided about those embryos. Blue eyes, brown eyes, blonde hair, brown hair, fair skin, or skin than tans regardless of SPF 50, an extra chromosome here, a missing chromosome there, boy, girl, glasses, 20/20 vision. It is crazy to think all of those beautiful traits are decided and frozen in time.
Tomorrow will mark 1 week since the day 6 biopsy – so we should get a call a week from tomorrow. Obsessing will commence on Monday.
In the mean time I got my AF (9 days after retrieval) and sent the nurse an email asking for a tentative FET schedule. For some reason I thought my ask for a Thur/Fri transfer wouldn’t be an issue. I got my calendar last night and it is set for Oct 19th! (That would be a Tuesday). What am I going to do about it? Go with it. What else can I do? To be honest I was shocked with how soon it is and I am focusing on that rather than having to take off 3 more days of work. And it is “tentative” so one weird E2 result can move the date.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Day 6 Report
Expansion grade | Blastocyst development and stage status |
1 | Blastocoel cavity less than half the volume of the embryo |
2 | Blastocoel cavity more than half the volume of the embryo |
3 | Full blastocyst, cavity completely filling the embryo |
4 | Expanded blastocyst, cavity larger than the embryo, with thinning of the shell |
5 | Hatching out of the shell |
6 | Hatched out of the shell |
ICM grade | Inner cell mass quality |
A | Many cells, tightly packed |
B | Several cells, loosely grouped |
C | Very few cells |
TE grade | Trophectoderm quality |
A | Many cells, forming a cohesive layer |
B | Few cells, forming a loose epithelium |
C | Very few large cells |
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Thank you so much for all the comments. I appreciate all the kind words - they helped tremendously.
I have even more news. THREE more fertilized. Huh? So, what he said is they did not “observe” fertilization in those other 7 mature eggs – but when he looked today 3 more had started dividing. Can you say shocked?
So on to the stats. All 10 (yes, I said TEN) are grade 4 (the best).
Of the original 7:
5 are 8 cells
1 is 6 cells
1 is 10 cells
Of the mystery 3
1 is 8 cells
1 is 5 cells
1 is 4 cells
He said not to be discouraged with the 4/5 cell ones - of course not - they didn't even exist yesterday!!!
I know I sound like a different person from yesterday. I only hope this is the same person typing on Friday night – that dark place is very scary.
There are very special people in my life that are dealing with all my emotions – and for them I am so thankful. They are always by my side in the highs and don’t run away in the lows. I only hope I can be as good of a friend.
Keep on growing girls (yes, I picture them all as girls)!
Monday, August 30, 2010
I wish I had better news to report. It is not over, but I feel like the end is near. (dramatic, maybe?)
They expected 32 eggs. They got 22. Only 14 were mature (with an E2 over 4000). How does this make sense? I could live with this. But not with the fact that only 7 fertilized. Seven. Single digits.
I feel like comparing to my local clinic isn't right or fair, but here it goes anyway:
IVF #1: 32 eegs (e2: 3600), 31 mature, 19 fertilized, BUT on day 5 only 1 blast and 1 morula - BFN
IVF #2: 18 eggs (e2: 3100), 17 mature, 12 fertilized. 3DT of two 7 cell embryos, BFP resulted in my daughter. Additional 2 frozen: FET BFN.
Dr. Schoolie said I was an easy case. Is the joke on him or on me?
Last night I reached out to the nurse email (since I don't have a nurse) with a list of questions such as: Did any of the immature eggs mature over night, do we need to change the plan since there are only 7, and asked specifically for Dr. Schoolie's take on things.
I received an email back that Dr. Schoolie is out of the office for the next week but she would talk to Dr. Surr. The day is over and never heard back from her. However, she did also reach out to John (embryology) and he called me.
Nice guy. Probably lots of practice talking to very emotional women. He agreed that all the numbers seem "off" but that the doctor would have to address that with me. So, we talked embryos. I guess my concern was that if we only had a 50% fert rate does that correlate to not so great embryos that we do have? He said no. Whew, I guess. He said none matured over night but that they are still working on this process so it is not a huge concern. He also said they recommend continuing on the genetic testing path as long as you start with 6 or more embryos. I also asked if they will "check" on them tomorrow. He said of course they will and he will call me " because you seem stressed". However, what they see doesn't necessarily reflect what will happen in the following few days. So, it seems it will be a call to just get me more worked up.
Everyone says stay positive. What do you think? Am I overreacting? Is 7 still okay? I need honesty here. Please.
IF we are lucky to have 2 make it to Friday, THEN I have to hope that at least 1 comes back normal. THEN I have to hope the ONE sticks. This is a lot to ride on.
For almost 2 years I had a break from infertility. It was still there, but laying dormant. It all came back when our FET failed. But, I still had hope. Through the process with CCRM I have been so positive - excited for friends pregnancy news, all that jazz without it really hurting. I mean I am going to the BEST clinic in the US. The doctor says I am easy. And then the message on my phone came. It all came tumbling down while sitting on the plane. Immediately I am sad/jealous/angry and want to scream IT IS NOT FAIR.
I feel unbelievably lucky I have Charlotte. She is my everything. But, I have a hole in my heart - for her sister/brother - for my son/daughter. And the pain is real and hurts like hell. It is not easier this time. And when people say, at least you have Charlotte, I smile and say yes. But I do not feel complete.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Twenty Two
Had a great experience at the surgery center. Josh went in at 7:30 while I watched Charlotte outside. Then, we switched off and I went upstairs at 8 to start the process. A very nice nurse, Lynn, got me all set up. I was very nervous about the IV, but with the hot towel and numbing shot it wasn't bad at all! Then, I read a magazine while I waited for the party to start at 9. Dr. M did the procedure - I really got a great feeling about her.
But, wow, they made me wait to find out how many eggs!!! I was so anxious and started to go crazy thinking all the nurses were avoiding eye contact and that bad news was coming. The girl from the lab came and told me there were 22 eggs. I was happy but also wondered where all the rest of them went? I will always remember that Dr. S said that around 20 was the most he liked getting - so I am going to take it as a good sign and be really positive.
Tonight I have to take my dostinex, cetrotide shot and antibiotic.
Thanks for reading and for the support!!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Are we there yet?
It seems they are worried about OHSS. I had to take a cetrotide shot tonight. And I also had to fill a script for dostinex (well, I actually got the generic cabergoline). And I was told a fresh transfer was not an option (luckily we are doing the CGH testing) so wasn't disappointed.
Retrieval Saturday morning at 9am. Then we get to head home Sunday. Yay!!!
I know I know, then the wait to get the day 5/6 report.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Coasting and Freaking
Only did Lupron tonight. And no meds in the morning. My E2 was up to 4200 today. My follicles grew but still not where they want them to be. Am I really going to go more than 1 more day? Isn't coasting for 3 days bad???
My friend Christie helped talk me down from completely losing it so I am feeling better. I keep coming back to the fact that I have to trust Dr. Schoolcraft. And it sounds like he is actually the one reviewing my chart.
Oh, and she said there are over 20 one ONE ovary. No wonder my belly is huge.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Never ending....
Still having fun.
Still have over 30 follicles growing.
MAJOR bloat. I mean crazy.
I feel like we may never go home. This cycle goes on & on & on.
Had to pick up a different med: Luveris
Continuation of cycle:
Day 10: 1 menopur am, 75 gonal-f pm E2: 2361 Follicle count/size: 20+/largest 16
Day 11: No menopur am, 1 Luveris pm E2: 3345 Follicle count/size: 20+/largest 18
Day 12: 1 Luveris instead of menopur am, pm TBD
I am REALLY hoping to trigger tomorrow night (I want to go home on Saturday rather than Sunday) - these follicles better be growing a lot tonight!!!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Shots shots and more shots
We have been having so much fun and keeping very busy during the days. Much better than being at work!! Looking for restaurant recomendations if anyone has any. Also, we are interested in driving to the mountains for a daytrip but I can't decide where to go: Georgetown, Boulder??
Thought I would outline my whole cycle with E2 levels and follicle details.
Day 1: 2 menopur am, 150 gonal-f pm
Day 2: 2 menopur am, 150 gonal-f pm
Day 3: 2 menopur am, 150 gonal-f pm
Day 4: 2 menopur am, 150 gonal-f pm E2: 97 Follicle count/size: 20/not measurable
Day 5: 2 menopur am, 150 gonal-f pm
Day 6: 2 menopur am, 300 gonal-f pm E2: 397 Follicle count/size: 20ish/not sure - still small
Day 7: 2 menopur am, 150 gonal-f pm
Day 8: 2 menopur am, 75 gonal-f pm E2: 1025 Follicle count/size: 30ish/12 largest
Day 9: 1 menopur am, 150 gonal-f pm E2: 1600ish Follicle count/size: 30ish/13 largest
Day 10(tomorrow): 1 menopur am, TBD pm
Notes: every night I also do 5 Lupron and dexamethosone
As far as follicles - it all depended on the nurse and what she wanted to share with me.
I think they will keep me going as long as my E2 stays in-check. As far as my history goes - my first cycle I triggered when it was 3600 and got 32 eggs (30 mature, 18 fert). Second cycle I triggered at 3000 and got 18 eggs (17 mature, 12 fert).
Bring on all those Denver recommendations!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Pump it up
Cycle notes:
Doing 2 Menopur every morning and 150 iu of Gonal-f every night
Day 4: e2 was only 97, small follicles but about 20
Day 6: e2 391, she counted 18 (still very small)
This afternoon the nurse told me:
Day 6 evening: pump it up to 300 iu Gonal-f (want to kick start everything)
Day 7: 2 menopur and back to 150 gonal-f (no b/w or u/s)
Day 8: 2 menopur in morning then u/s and b/w
Not sure how I feel about all this. The e2 numbers are on par with my other cycles - so doing 300 makes me nervous but I have to believe in them. I know I am capable of making 18-30 eggs so getting less than 15 will depress me - but of course the quality may be better so I just need to relax!
And just some notes about the little bits of drama.....
-On day 4 I had a stressful evening as CCRM didn't receive my results from my local clinic and didn't tell me until after 5. Luckily I was able to get my b/w results but only got a vocal recollection of my u/s.
-Did you know that the local monitoring includes u/s and then p4, e2 AND LH....for a total of $500 for each visit. Holy cow. (I must have missed this on other blogs?)
-Our hotel is great (Hampton Inn & Suites in Tech Center area)
Hoping to get a good nights sleep....night night! Grow follies grow!
Friday, August 13, 2010
And we're off....
Looking forward to the menopur burn tomorrow morning.
Thanks for all the well wishes!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Check out google
What freaks me out though is that I was so obsessed and worried about AF – how am I going to handle all of the rest of the steps….retrieval, fertilization, day 3 report, day 5 report, and CGH results. There is a long road ahead of us…..
Speaking of the yellow brick road. I went to google this morning and was surprised to see this….

"Today's Google doodle celebrates The Wizard of Oz, which had its first premiere screening 71 years ago today. "
Tomorrow morning is my supression check. Hopefully we will be off to see the wizard....
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Where is she????
AF has to arrive before my 7am appointment on Friday or all our careful (and thrifty) planning is out the window. Aghhhhh.
Any ideas? I am crampy and feel like it is coming, but where o where is she?? I know I ovulated 14 days ago.
What google told me....milkshake (chick-fil-a cookies and cream - check), exercise (running this morning - check), bath (maybe tonight?), sex (maybe tonight?), relax (not gonna happen).
Bring it on beaotch!!!!!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Ready. Set. Go.
Next when AF arrives. I am guessing Tue/Wed. Then, baseline will be Friday morning (the 13th). Then the real fun begins!
Until then just trying not to obsess. (or worry or freak out or yell at my DH).
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
I spy.....$2600 dollars

Tomorrow morning I have my p4 test to make sure it is >5 - then I will start Lupron tomorrow night. I hope our schedule stays on track!! I can't believe it is starting. I am excited and scared to death all at the same time.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Deciding to go to CCRM wasn't a hard decision for me. Our 2 options were to do the shared risk for 25K (3 fresh/3 frozen) or go to CCRM for 1 shot with answers for about the same cost. I get crazy obsessed during my cycles. During the FET in April I was so obsessed I even lost focus on Charlotte - this broke my heart. This was a main factor in the decision - I just knew I couldn't keep going through it over and over and was tired of relying on "luck".
Anyway, back to the surprises. It is A LOT of money. I try to block out the thoughts about how most people do it for FREE. And then the insurance coverage I DO NOT have.
So, every time I learn about another 100 dollar surprise I say "hey, what the hell, we are spending 25K anyway". Well I am starting to think all those 100's are starting to add up to over a thousand. This is bothering me and it is actually pissing Josh off.
Here are a few:
-Extra $150 for the "admin" fee for the clinic here to monitor me (oh, and I get to pay it now and again during the FET monitoring)
-Extra $400 for "Drs" fee for the CCS
-Re-group $108 that lasted 6 minutes (I wish I had just not done it)
Anyone have any advice for how to just let it be?
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
The Big O and the Short Re-Group
On to the shortest ever re-group. I feel like I have been waiting for this forever - I mean it has been a month and 5 days since our ODWU. And I stretched it out so it would like 6 minutes. Do you think they will charge be the full 100 something dollars?
He started off asking what my questions were. I really only had 1. Okay 2.
Why no BCP?? He basically said that many of their protocol don't include BCP - and this is the one he chose for me. hmmmmm. Not satisfied.
Will it help me stim faster? No it won't change how long it takes. So, I need to prepare for 12 nights of stims. This means we will be in Denver for 10 nights. Whoa. I emailed my nurse to see if we can come out 1 day later. But, then if I have to be monitored here another day - that is another 300 dollars, so maybe we should just go?? But, then I get to work 1 more day. Decisions, decisions.
I asked what else he normally covers and he chuckled. (yes, he chuckled). He said normally he has wonky results to report so he spends time on that. He went on to say that all my results came back better than he could have expected. This made me feel odd. Well, I felt like screaming 'Then why are we having problems!!!". Instead I calmly said "Well, Dr. Schoolcraft, that is exactly why I am aggravated - everything appears great, but it isn't working".
That's all folks. What else should I have asked?? Did I miss the boat?
Here are my day 3 results:
E2: 44pg/ml (should be between 19-50)
FSH: 9.2 mIU/ml (<10) (the last time with my local clinic it was 6.8)
LHD: 5.0 mIU/ml (2.0-6.0)
AMH: 1.9 (apparently makes up for my 9.2 FSH)
One week and I will be starting the dreaded Lupron!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
DIY Gone Wrong (Day 3 b/w)
What everyone doesn’t know is that there is a DIY (do it yourself) option. When we were presented with this option, my husband jumped right on board. How hard can it be? I reluctantly went along – thinking we would save 50ish dollars. But, really in the scheme of 20K, 50 dollars = less than 1% (.25% to be exact). This is about the same percentage chance we have of getting knocked up the old fashion way.
Everyone also doesn’t know DIY = BAD IDEA.
It started with finding a place that would give me the serum to walk out with. My old RE said if I brought “the kit” they would send it for me. So, did Quest. I found a hospital that would hand me the goods. So, on day 2 I went to the hospital. Had to explain at least 5 times why I didn’t have “the kit”. Every time I answered different hoping I would finally satisfy them. Never did, btw.
Serum in freezer, check.
Now came the box packaging. Only 1 Publix in
Here is how it played out (with pictures via my iphone – mostly b/c I thought this story was going to be about how much money I saved).
DIY Supplies:
3.50 Lunch box cooler
10.00 Dry Ice
2.00 Box
2.00 Peanuts
17.50 Total
At lunch today Josh and I met today in a parking lot to pack the box – he brought the dry ice from the only Publix and I had everything else. Once packed I was headed to the main Fedex building b/c that was the only place that had the “Dry Ice Sticker” that was required. We managed to get 5lbs of dry ice into the smaller vinyl cooler and I was feeling confident about the package.
Fedex was easy. Until he told me how much. It was one of those moments that you think someone is playing a trick on you. For delivery by 10:30 am he said 87 dollars. WHAT???? Wait, what? Wait, can I have a do-over. What??? I was shocked. I asked how much for deliver by 3:30. $79. Jokes on me.
What could I do? I was stuck – need to get them the blood and it needs to get there cold. I didn’t know if I should laugh or cry – so I laughed with tears in my eyes. And knew I needed to save someone from this same situation.
Here is the evidence.
So, DIY = Bad Idea.
We spent more money than if we had purchased the kit. And more time, more worry, more energy.
Holding my breath until I hear that CCRM receives it nice and cold tomorrow by 10:30AM.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
NO Birth Control Pills.
WHAT? (I will get back to this)
And that she would be sending my calendar soon (Thur, Friday or the weekend).
All those days came & went.
Monday I needed to get gas, got to the bank, blah blah. So, at lunch I headed out and b/c I was being lazy went to the gas station I hate and swore I would never go back to. When I got out I accidentally carried my phone with me. As I began pumping gas I refreshed my email on my phone while beginning to sing along with the song playing over the gas station radio. It was "I just haven't met you yet"...and I thought - yay, I haven't heard this in awhile. And I looked down and there was an email with my calendar! It was a weird moment. Left me feeling odd, but good. Mostly because............
We are going to Denver in AUGUST!!!!
I feel like it might finally be real! I even looked up "Things to do in Denver"!
So, let's get back to NO BCP.......
From all my research (googling) what I am coming up with is that maybe he thinks it suppresses me too much (along with more days of Lupron). My other 2 cycles I stimmed for 12 nights - which I believe is on the long side - maybe he wants me to be more like 10 days. I won't be able to ask the man himself until the 28th during our regroup.
Today is officially CD1 of my (non BCP) CCRM IVF cycle. Today is a great day.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
He's just not that into me...
M + W (William or Wizard)
I heart CCRM
I met Dr. Schoolcraft on a Wednesday. *He said he would call in the next few weeks. So, I marked my calendar and told myself I could call him in 8 days. I waited, counting down the days.....and then on the 8th day called while my heart was beating in my chest and left a message (b/c of course he didn't answer) asking a "fake" question to get him to call back so I could ask him the real question: "When can I see you again?". I carried my phone around all day waiting. Then, when I checked my email - there was an email from him! And it said my phone number didn't work. Typical excuse. Of course my fake question was answered (ugh) - and that was that. Well, I quickly replied (during a meeting at work) and broke down and asked the burning question and requested he call me.
I didn't set my phone down for the next 24 hours. No call. But then, as we were driving out of town for 4th of July....that 303 area code appeared! Horray!!! He might be into me after all!!!!!
So seriously, my nurse said she doesn't know yet when we can cycle. Needs to talk to the doc when he returns from Italy TODAY! Said she would call me this week or for me to email her on Thursday.
I have everything crossed that we get to start with my next cycle (next week!). Hoping they can squeeze us in!!!
We did get to test results....the Chromosome blood test on Josh came back normal. And his SA is very low and abnormal - completely on par with the past.
*When referring to he/him I of course mean my nurse, not the wizard himself.
Will update when I get the call (or email).
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Documenting the trip...
Friday, June 25, 2010
Hope and Loss in 2 Cities
Thursday, June 24, 2010
We met the Wizard!! (ODWU)
On Tuesday night we flew to Denver - arrived just a bit late, rented a car and headed to our hotel in the Tech Center area. We dropped off our bags and went just next store to an Irish pub. We had a yummy Irish meal and a beer! Yay!
Wednesday our schedule didn't start until 9:30AM. So, we got to sleep in, I went for a cool, hill-y, run, and we watched the first 1/2 of the USA World Cup Soccer Game. Then, it was off to CCRM!!!
Everything I have read was true. It was kind of like preparing too much for a vacation. You read so much about it, nothing is a surprise. A beautiful office, very prompt with our appts, and very professional.
We started with our consult with the Wizard himself. He had an electronic medical record device and reviewed our history and basically went over the same things we discussed on the phone. He was very relaxed and kind - and I absolutely love that he uses the "big" words and doesn't dumb it down too much. I NEED to know he is smart. He is - no joke.
Then, while Josh made is first Colorado deposit - I had an ultrasound that tested the blood flow to my uterus, measured follicles, etc. Then, I had the hysterscopy with Dr. S. Both went well - and all checked out fine. I will get more details in a week or so.
Then, we met with our nurse, Dawn. We went over a binder of all IVF stuff. We went pretty fast b/c we have done this a time or two.
Next we had our blood drawn for all kinds of tests (details to come when I get results).
And finally, we met with the business office - in which a young girl explained the thousands of dollars we will be spending. We put down a 1K deposit so they know we are serious. Of course we are serious, we just spent 4K on testing!!!!
I have some tips I will write in another post....
Only disappointing thing is we may not be starting with my next cycle (July 15th). We may not have all the results in to know "how" to start. Although I am pretty sure BCP will be the beginning, so Dawn said she will see about squeezing us in. This will push the whole schedule back considerably, but it is out of my control. Patience, Patience, Patience...........
Monday, June 21, 2010
How we make a baby.....
April 2006: Married
Dec 2006: Stop BCP / Start charting
Feb 2007: Big trip to Italy - officially start trying
Summer 2007: Knew there was something wrong. Why? Well, b/c Josh was born with undescended testicles and didn't have it fixed until he was much older. Back then doctors said it wouldn't cause issues. WRONG!!! I told my OB/GYN we had been trying a year (white lie) so they would refer him to have a SA.
July 2007: First SA (Semen Analysis). Results very poor and we were referred to a RE. But, I was actually very happy b/c there was a chance there could be no sperm. A few is better than none!
Sept 2007: Met with Dr. Y. Said IVF was our only option. Kicked off all the testing, etc.
Feb 2008: 1st IVF. Hopes sky high. 32 eggs retrieved, 17 fertilized, 5 day transfer of 2 morula' blasts and none to freeze. BIG FAT NEGATIVE.
May 2008: Joined the shared risk program. IVF #2. Lowered meds.....18 eggs, 12 fertilized, we chose to do a 3 day transfer regardless.....they watched the remaining embryos and 2 made it to freeze as blasts.
June 3rd 2008: 1st POSITIVE HPT ever. Happiest day of my life.
Feb 12, 2009: Charlotte born!!!
Dec 2009: Back to Dr. Y. to discuss FET......
Jan - Mar 2010: Repeat testing, etc.
April 2010: FET. Both blasts thawed great. BFN. So sad. Wanted to complete our family and leave IVF behind us. Apparently not that easy for us.
June 7th 2010: Phone consult with Dr. Schoolcraft at CCRM
June 23rd: First trip to Denver for our One Day Workup!!
Can't believe June 23rd is 2 days away...
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Haven't Met You Yet
I am starting this blog after almost 3 years of reading other wonderful/amazing blogs that have helped me through tough times and taught me so much. We are on the search for baby #2. And this search is taking us to CCRM - The Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine....all the way from Tampa, Florida.
I am so thankful for our beautiful daughter, Charlotte. Being a mom is the most amazing thing that has happened to me that I want to do it again. And on top of that I want Charlotte to have sibling.
So this is where I will lay it all out - our trips/ODWU/cycle, etc with CCRM. My next post will explain our IVF history!
Thanks for reading!
But first, a few lyrics from Michael's song:
And I know that we can be so amazing
And, baby, your love is gonna change me
And now I can see every possibility
Here's to hoping every possibility includes baby #2!!!!