Tuesday, August 31, 2010


That is how the embryologist described our 7 three day old embryos. I almost fell over. He reviewed them with Dr. Surrey and he recommended we keep on going forward to biopsy. I know we still have a long way to go (days 3-5 always seems to be the rough spot). But, I am happy the road continues at this check-point.

Thank you so much for all the comments. I appreciate all the kind words - they helped tremendously.

I have even more news. THREE more fertilized. Huh? So, what he said is they did not “observe” fertilization in those other 7 mature eggs – but when he looked today 3 more had started dividing. Can you say shocked?

So on to the stats. All 10 (yes, I said TEN) are grade 4 (the best).
Of the original 7:
5 are 8 cells
1 is 6 cells
1 is 10 cells
Of the mystery 3
1 is 8 cells
1 is 5 cells
1 is 4 cells

He said not to be discouraged with the 4/5 cell ones - of course not - they didn't even exist yesterday!!!

I know I sound like a different person from yesterday. I only hope this is the same person typing on Friday night – that dark place is very scary.

There are very special people in my life that are dealing with all my emotions – and for them I am so thankful. They are always by my side in the highs and don’t run away in the lows. I only hope I can be as good of a friend.

Keep on growing girls (yes, I picture them all as girls)!


  1. Wonderful news!! Grow embies, grow!!!

  2. That is AMAZING news!!! I bet you are feeling a great sense of relief right about now. : ) I agree with Lindsay--grow embies!!!
