Saturday, August 28, 2010

Twenty Two

22 eggs are being fertilized and I can't help but hope all are mature and we get a good fertilization report tomorrow (hopefully before we get on our 4 hour flight!!).

Had a great experience at the surgery center. Josh went in at 7:30 while I watched Charlotte outside. Then, we switched off and I went upstairs at 8 to start the process. A very nice nurse, Lynn, got me all set up. I was very nervous about the IV, but with the hot towel and numbing shot it wasn't bad at all! Then, I read a magazine while I waited for the party to start at 9. Dr. M did the procedure - I really got a great feeling about her.

But, wow, they made me wait to find out how many eggs!!! I was so anxious and started to go crazy thinking all the nurses were avoiding eye contact and that bad news was coming. The girl from the lab came and told me there were 22 eggs. I was happy but also wondered where all the rest of them went? I will always remember that Dr. S said that around 20 was the most he liked getting - so I am going to take it as a good sign and be really positive.

Tonight I have to take my dostinex, cetrotide shot and antibiotic.

Thanks for reading and for the support!!


  1. Congrats on 22!! Hoping lots are mature and fertilize! Can't wait for an update!!

  2. Yay for 22! Sorry I am late to comment, but how many fertilized?! Hope you are able to update soon!
