Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The wait!

Since my 2nd beta I had a p4 and e2 draw.....and my e2 is STILL low. I am on 4 patches and 3 estrace a day. Seriously??? It was about 240 or 260 - can't remember. The nurse took it to the wizard to get his thoughts. Answer is to keep doing what I am doing. It created a bit of obsessing for a few days but eventually I had to let it go. I guess I just don't know what to do when I don't have something to google about IVF. I think my body has a hard time with the estrogen - b/c during a FET in April I was doing estrogen injections (delestrogen) and even then it took extra long to get my E2 up.

My ultrasound is scheduled for Monday! I have been counting down the days....waiting, hoping, praying we see a strong heartbeat. Will update then!


  1. Can't wait to hear the update!!

  2. My ultrasound is also on Monday! Waiting on pins and needles until then!

  3. That's strange about your e2. Mine went down at my check this week. It was in the 400s and went to 275. They added more estrace.

    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for Monday!!
