Sunday, November 14, 2010

24 hours

I am a nervous wreck!! Our first ultrasound is scheduled for tomorrow at 1pm and I have butterflies in my stomach. It has been a long week watching the days go by on my calendar - and now we are almost there. I just kept saying "I can do it" - feels corny but it got me through each day!

I was a basket case on Thursday and had a complete meltdown on my way to work (a combination of nerves, being tired, so sad for Mo, and my mother-in-law being in town). I had my E2 and P4 drawn that morning and the nurse called at almost 9pm EST. My estrogen was 2800 - this is up from 244 in one week! My P4 is up to 45. She said my body is kicking in and doing what it should be doing - I sure hope she is right. Sounds like I will be able to start weaning off the meds this week - yipeee!

I have been paying out of pocket for all these blood draws (for example, Thursday was $222). My insurance will only cover the hormone levels if the blood is "sent out" - which my local clinic won't do. So, my nurse said I can go to Quest or Labcorp from now on to save some money....and I am so relieved. Just wanted to share in case anyone else is experiencing this extra cost.

Remember my heart shirt from transfer day? Well, I am wearing it again today in desperate hope of seeing a beautiful heartbeat tomorrow. (again, can you say corny!)

Will update as soon as possible but may be later in the day due to work meetings.


  1. I anxiously await the results of your news tomorrow! I know EXACTLY what you mean about being nervous...mine is less than two weeks away and I am certain I won't sleep the night before. I too am so upset about Mo and R from One Egg Please. And soo happy your hormone levels are high enough that you can start to be weened off...great to hear. My bank account can't wait until that day!

  2. Oh... I so hear you on the nervousness! And oh yeah on the E2 and P4 levels.... dang lady... I am jealous of you! :)

    Wishing and hoping that both of us see strong and beautiful heartbeats tomorrow!

  3. Good luck today! Can't wait to hear your good news!!!

  4. Thinking of you today!!! I'm looking forward to your update. : )
