Friday, October 22, 2010


So, how do I feel? Scared. They should have implanted by now....have you little snowbabies? Or are you melting away like the wicked witch of the west?

So, today is 3dp5dt. When I got home last night I pulled out my actual handwritten "diary" of my 3 other IVF's to see what I felt then. Funny, it seems I felt the same during each one and 2 failed and 1 worked. Well, that leaves me nowhere!!!!

In 2 days I will be POAS and my heart will be racing and in my throat while I am willing a line to appear. Imagining the sinking feeling if it only 1 line appears and knowing the pure joy if there are two. Or maybe I should hold out a few days.

Not until late on 1dp5dt did I start feeling any cramps. And it was always one the left and a little lower than my belly button. Let's be honest, is that even my uterus? Or is it b/c some of my patches are there? My lower right side sometimes cramps. But I am only typing all of this b/c I have nothing else to say. No other symptoms. Nada.

Let's be honest again. Only time will tell.

For the record on the day of transfer my E2 was still in the low 200's.....these patches don't seem to be doing the job for me so now I am up to 3 estrace pills a day (covered my insurance - yay!). Has this happened to anyone else? My P4 was however was in the 30's.

Tomorrow we are celebrating my parents 40th Wedding Anniversary - what an important event! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!


  1. Oh Maggie... that sounds exactly like me! I sure hope that we are able to see the two lines! I can't bear to think of the possibility of seeing just 1 line! I am including you and your embies in my prayers as well!

  2. I largely suspect that my patches suck too. Glad you are taking estrace also. Hoping for good news and looking forward to your POAS-a-thon!!

  3. I hope you experience the pure joy of seeing two lines!!! Sounds like you're gonna POAS on 5dp5dt..... you are brave!!!!!
