Wednesday, October 13, 2010

T minus 6 Days

Transfer is on for Tuesday!! October 19th will be a great day!!

Well, my u/s this morning revealed a lining of 14.8. Yikes. And she said no when I asked about the triple pattern. So, by 7:50 I was at my desk at work consulting dr. google and all of your blogs out there trying to determine if this cycle was doomed. I found plenty of girls who had similar linings and transfers still happened - so this got me through the day.

Marsha reviewed my u/s and my E2 of only 205 with Dr. Schoolcraft and he said it is a go. Now I have to take 2 estrogen blue magic pills a day along with the list of meds that filled up a yellow sticky pad. Tonight is my last Lupron shot and in return I get a PIO shot in my butt in the morning and a suppository at night.

It has been about 4 months since our first consult with the wizard. At that time I envisioned a lonng list of all the "to-dos" we would have to cross off before actually being in the final two week wait. We have done all the paperwork, gone for the ODWU, shipped day 3 b/w, done monitoring locally, spent 11 days in denver, egg retrieval, fert report, day 3 report, day 6 report, CCS results, FET prep.....and we are finally in the FINAL stretch. My heart is full of hope, my mind is full of dreams of babies and thoughts of what if this fails?

A week from today I will be a basket case stuck in bed!


  1. Oh wow... you are so close. You are transferring the day after me -- I am set for transfer on the 18th. I will be thinking abt you when I am in bedrest.

    BTW, how did you get to use the PIO? I am only on the suppository 3x a day. Did you specifically ask for the PIO?

  2. Good luck with your upcoming transfer!!! Looking forward to following your journey. Our first CCRM FET is scheduled for Nov. 1st.

  3. Good luck on Tuesday! Will be thinking of you! Let us know how it goes!!!
