Saturday, August 27, 2011

Yes, another D&C

If you can believe it, I ended up having another D&C yesterday.

Two weeks after the first D&C I was still bleeding, so the dr had me get an u/s. And shocking to all still showed "stuff" in there. My options were another D&C, pills and waiting it out with potential of a D&C anyway.

Obviously, with a 2 year old and twins at home, I would need lots of help when having a D&C.....and my parents are headed out of town next week. So, based on this along with a gut feeling we went ahead with it. We decided on Wednesday and scheduled it for Friday. So, I spent Wed & Thur in a fog - pissed, sad, scared, depressed. I now only have 2 weeks left of maternity leave and this is what I have to deal with. Seriously??

Anyway, it's over - and it went much better than the first one (IV, no throwing up after) - but yes, they found tissue. We'll see what the pathology report says. And beforehand Dr and me had the talk about a possible, that was my first question when I came to. Let's hope it is all taken care of b/c I am scared to death that would be the only other option.

A year ago tomorrow these sweet twins were conceived in Lone Tree!!! Unbelievable!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh! Can't believe you are having to go through all this crapola. Hope you are back to 100% soon and this D&C solves the problem! I'm glad this time went much more smoothly. Sending you healing vibes! Hang in there!
