Tuesday, July 19, 2011

4 weeks!

It is unbelievable that the babies are 4 weeks old today. I can't tell if time has gone fast or slow.

Things are hard. I won't lie. When we first got home the babies mostly slept. And my parents were here to help. So, the dishes got done, naps taken, food made, etc.

Now, they still sleep a lot but not as much. And it is more work to get them to go to sleep. And more work when they are awake. We have been trying to have "awake time" but they both want to be held.....and there is only me. So, I feel like one baby is always neglected and crying which makes awake time stressful.

Last week I hit a wall with the night time wakings. But, there really is no solution so I am sucking it up. We had a fabulous Sunday night where we slept from 11 to 7 and only woke to eat from 3-4. So, I know it HAS to get better. Bennett is always the one to wake up and initiate the feeding - it seems Violet will keep on sleeping but Mommy won't let her! The real culprit is Charlotte - she is up and in our room at 7.....if that weren't the case we could sleep in longer. But, she brightens my morning.

Breastfeeding is still going well!! I really don't mind it at all. Seems crazy - I know I am lucky.

Who knew one handed typing was so hard....Bennett is being needy. Again, so lucky.


  1. I could have written this post!! My twins are now 5wks and were sleeping all the time, but now awake more and want to be held. My help has left too and it's just me!! I am finding my ergo carrier to be helpful to carry one around and get things done (like make myself lunch!!) but if two are crying it's much more challenging. I think they were spoiled with all of our visitors/helpers being held all the time. My older son wakes up early as well! We're in the same boat, aren't we??!! So good to hear breastfeeding is going well. We are so lucky!! and we'll get thru it!!

  2. Yes, we will get through it but its so awesome at the same time!! My LO is now 3 weeks old and I wonder what I'll do when he will be awake more too. I plan to buy an ergo carrier SOON as well!!

  3. I know that you know that this phase is temporary! Now remind me of that in about three months. : ) I feel for you and Lindsay both, juggling twins and a toddler each. I'm sure you feel so blessed, but also might be feeling a lot of pressure right now! Things will get better... it sounds like you have three great kiddos!
