Happy Mother's day to all you momma-to-be's! We celebrated on Saturday by having my dear friend take some belly shots for us! It was quick, easy, and they are awesome!! I am so grateful for my friend. We spent the day at my parents and I was able to keep my feet up most of the day - which is good b/c my kankles are HUGE!
Sunday was a little rough for me. I was very emotional....Mother's day was rough for many years and I know so many people who are still struggling. I gave Charlotte so many kisses and hugged her tight, knowing she made me a mother. And when thinking about how there will be 2 more, I could barely handle the emotions.
Six weeks from tomorrow is my scheduled c-section (just before 38 weeks). Wow. On one hand it is so close, on the other, I have no idea how I am going to make it. My body hurts, sleeping is difficult, I can't breathe, heartburn is killer, and I just feel trapped in my own body. But, I feel these babies move, hold my hand tight to my belly and whisper to them.....it is amazing. And I am pretty sure this is the last time I will be pregnant, and that makes me cherish it a little more. I can easily remember all those thoughts of wondering if I would ever experience this and here I am, so very lucky. CCRM rocks!!!
Here are a couple of pics from the weekend. We have an u/s on Thursday....will update with progress then.

Love the belly pics!! At 32wks with twins as well, I can relate to all the discomforts you are feeling and am not sure I can even make it to 36wks! Happy Mother's Day momma!!
ReplyDeleteSo cute! Sorry to hear about your discomforts... I'm not looking forward to that! Keep your eye on the prizes, Mama!
ReplyDeleteSo awesome!!! Six more weeks?! Wow...