Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Twins Comments

I have started experiencing all the "Moms of Multiples" comments from just about everyone! I think it is hilarious and I laugh to myself......

1st one ever was the best - in the RE office checking out and the receptionist heard it was twins. She asked "Do twins run in your family?". I think I laughed and was like "What???"

When I told someone it was b/g twins they asked if I knew if they were identical. Uh, no.

A mom of 3 told me she thinks a 2 year old and twins will be easier than having 3 spread out.

"Did you do fertility treatments." This is so awkward. I am a terrible liar and so I usually just say yes, we had some help. I have read all kinds of snarky come backs but I just can't do it!

I guess the most common is if they run the family - which I just reply with a simple No.

To be honest I feel so lucky to be having to answer these questions....we are having TWINS!!!


  1. And on that note...double congrats!!

  2. I know.... its awesome isn't it!?! I haven't ventured much outside so I am yet to hear a brunt of the comments. But it sounds fun!

  3. I've gotten a lot of those same comments. I love surprising people when they ask if I know what I am having- and I say "boy and girl" they are so surprised that it's twins! So fun!

  4. OMG, I'm dying for twins! This is so awesome. And boy and girl sounds so perfect. Congratulations!!
