I am 16 weeks today and we went for our gender reveal u/s.
Well, within minutes the tech was checking out Baby A.....which turns out is our daughter. I was giggling like a little girl.
A few minutes later while I was still dreaming of a little girl the tech started looking at Baby B....our son. I have never pictured myself having a son so it just seems so crazy. Me, I will have a son?
How can we be so lucky?? Today was an amazing day - I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.
I think the complete exhaustion is letting up and the hunger is taking over. My desk at work is like a grocery store. My belly is definitely a bump and I am mostly wearing maternity clothes - just so much more comfortable.
Next appointment is in 4 weeks, so until then I will be eating, relaxing, and planning! And I will be praying for all of you.