Thursday, January 20, 2011


All day I have been exploding with happiness, joy, excitement, and love! I feel like the luckiest woman alive - I wonder if this is what it feels like to win the lottery? But better. Because it is about being a mom.

I am 16 weeks today and we went for our gender reveal u/s.

Well, within minutes the tech was checking out Baby A.....which turns out is our daughter. I was giggling like a little girl.

A few minutes later while I was still dreaming of a little girl the tech started looking at Baby B....our son. I have never pictured myself having a son so it just seems so crazy. Me, I will have a son?

How can we be so lucky?? Today was an amazing day - I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

I think the complete exhaustion is letting up and the hunger is taking over. My desk at work is like a grocery store. My belly is definitely a bump and I am mostly wearing maternity clothes - just so much more comfortable.

Next appointment is in 4 weeks, so until then I will be eating, relaxing, and planning! And I will be praying for all of you.

Monday, January 3, 2011


My head has been spinning with all of the miracles that have been announced in the IF world. Amazing, shocking, happy stories.

Before I get started though I need to share a very sad story that is on my mind. I have been following Jen for years. She is hilarious and in a completely stalkerish way I feel like she could be my long lost sister. Of course, she doesn't know me or even probably follow my blog but I'm totally cool with that - she is awesome and has made me laugh for years. She did a FET earlier this year and got pregnant with identical girl twins. It was a rocky road as she had a tiny baby and "hog" baby. Then, developed preeclampsia. She delivered them at 32 weeks.....and they lost one of them (the big baby). Such devastation. I keep praying for her tiny baby - that she pulls through and makes it.

Here are my 4 miracle stories to kick off 2011:

SquarePeg - Holy cow this girl has been the mother hen of the IF and SAIF board - she is a PHD and has crunched every estrogen / follicle number possible. She did clomid, IUI's, 4 IVF's with her tons of her own eggs, decided it was her own crappy eggs and then did a DE cycle - and now has a 1 year old son. A few days after Christmas she tested positive. This gave me goosebumps.

R - A long story as well - IVF cycles, DE cycles and has recently moved on to using a gestational carrier. And on New Year's Eve there was a second line. And now has a doubling beta.

Emily - 3 Fresh IVF's (husband had varicocele surgery) and then success with a FET. She has a 1 year old daughter and got the surprise of a positive as well!!!

Busted Baby Maker - Lost her IVF twins around 23 weeks, did a FET that was a BFN. Did a eSET from a fresh cycle and has a son. Didn't ovulate regularly and swears she hasn't been relaxed so that can't be why she is now pregnant!
I cannot imagine how these women feel and I have been praying that these miracles keep growing and growing and growing. I know so many people ask, why not me. Why don't I get my miracle? There are so many deserving people. I will be praying that all of you get your miracles whatever road it may be.

Happy New Year!